EMGA Nominations


Just a friendly reminder that EMGA nominations close out next Saturday night, August 31st.

We are seeking nominations for both EMGA Officers and our two annual awards.

For Officers, the positions expiring this season are President, Vice-President and Treasurer.  Each is a two-year term.  All three incumbents have volunteered to stand for re-election, and so far are our only candidates.  If you are interested, or know of someone interested, please let me know by next Saturday.  We will also be taking nominations from the floor at our Fall breakfast/meeting on Thursday, September 26th.

For our annual awards, there are two:

a.     Distinguished Service Award recognizing a current or past member of the EMGA for sustained outstanding service to the EMGA for several years


b.     Significant Contribution Award recognizing an individual EMGA member or non-member who made a noticeable impact or significant contribution to the EMGA during an individual season

We currently do not have nominations for either award which also closes out next Saturday.  If you know of someone deserving of either award, please contact me at d-eknight@comcast.net and I will gladly help work up a submission paragraph.

Thank you

Don Knight

EMGA Vice President


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