2025 EMGA Rules Refresher #2




We’re not done with Penalty Areas just yet.  Results from our first rules question and our next one is below.


But first this Public Service Announcement:  Eisenhower GC is hosting a CGA Rules Seminar on 27 Mar, 0800-1200, cost is $20.  Register here:  https://coloradogolfassociation.regfox.com/2025-rules-of-golf-seminar-eisenhower


Rule 17 Penalty Areas.


What’s the difference between red and yellow penalty areas?

Only one itty, bitty, thing: there is NO lateral relief from a Yellow Penalty Area.


First, you can always play it as it lies from within the penalty area with no penalty. When you play it as it lies out of a red or yellow penalty are, note that you can ground the club, remove loose impediments, and even remove movable obstacles. 


So, if no Local Rule Drop Zone is in effect, there are two 1-stroke penalty options when taking relief from a Yellow Penalty Area. 


  1. Replay under Stroke and Distance
  2. Drop as far back as you want on a line to the flagstick from where the ball last crossed the edge


There is a nice picture of these two options in your USGA Rules of Golf, see Rule 17,  Diagram #1 17.1d: Relief for Ball in Yellow Penalty Area.


Here’s a link that recaps both the Red and Yellow Penalty Area relief options.





Rules Refresher Quiz #2


Q2. Which is correct regarding a penalty area?


a. A ball appears to lie in the general area, but overhangs the edge of the penalty area; the ball is in the penalty area.

b. A ball, inside the vertical edge of the penalty area, lies off the ground in a small bush that is rooted in the penalty area; the ball is not in the penalty area.

c. A ball lies in a no play zone in a penalty area; the player may not play the ball as it lies but must either take free relief inside the penalty area or outside the penalty area under the penalty area relief Rule (17.1d).


Prize:  The Legend Has Retired (See attached)


Rules Refresher Quiz #1


Q1. In stroke play, a player accidentally steps on and moves their ball-marker on the putting green. What is the ruling?

a. No penalty

See Rule 13.1d(1). Corrective action is to replace it to its original spot or best estimate.


Many thanks to the 17 that responded and congratulations, all answered Q1 correctly.  And the winner of the hat clip and “It’s All in the Hips” ball marker is…Ken Pearson.


Hit’em straight and not too often,


Tom McKernan

Rules and Handicaps

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New 2025 Eisenhower Golf Club Tournament Guide


Here it is with our updated 2025 EMGA email Banner


Dear EMGA Members,


Please find attached the 2025 Eisenhower Golf Club (EGC) Tournament Guide; all tournament registrations will be open on March 1st at 0700 hrs. You can sign-up through Golf Genius on the Eisenhower App or Website. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any of the tournaments.




Josh Rodrigue-Bailey, PGA  Head Golf Professional

Eisenhower Golf Course – 3169 Golf Course Road

United States Air Force Academy, CO 80840

O: (719) 333-2606 ext.1001 – P: (307) 701-2005


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2025 EMGA Rules Refresher #1




Happy New Year to all! 


As I said last year:


“A New Year holds such promise…a better swing, straighter shots, a smoother putting stroke, a lower score.  Well, I can’t help you if your swing looks like Charles Barkley’s, your shot trajectories are like today’s politics, hard left and hard right, or your putting stroke looks more like a muscle spasm.  But I can help you lower your scores but getting you to better understand the Rules of Golf.”  


Remember those rules refreshers from last year?  We’ll revisit those AND add a chance for you to win a prize. 


I’ll republish our refreshers from last year (I’ll verify the video links are still good) but I’ll add a one question contest with each one.  The question will be from the USGA Rules of Golf BASIC quizzes. To make it a little more challenging, I won’t guarantee that the questions will be related to the same refresher topic. Those that reply to me with the correct answer before I send out the next refresher will be in the drawing for this hat clip and ball-marker (see attached photo).  


Speaking of ball-markers, the first question is:


In stroke play, a player accidentally steps on and moves their ball-marker on the putting green. What is the ruling?


a. No penalty

b. One stroke penalty

c. General Penalty

d. Disqualification 




Rule 17 Penalty Areas.


Here are your relief options for when you find your ball within a Lateral Red Penalty Area.


First, you can always play it as it lies from within the penalty area with no penalty.


There are four penalty options when taking relief from a Red Penalty Area.  They all incur a 1-stroke penalty. 


1.     Lateral relief. Drop within 2 club lengths of where the ball last crossed the edge

2.     Drop as far back on a line to the flagstick from where the ball last crossed the edge

3.     Replay under Stroke and Distance

4.     If the course has the Local Rule E-1 Dropping Zones in effect, you may drop in a designated Drop Zone.


Here’s a link to see it done properly:




Hit’em straight and not too often,


Tom McKernan

Rules & Handicaps

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OPC Season is Completed




The last OPC of the season, 14 November,, has been canceled due to snow.  And as things go the OP/OPC 2024 season is completed.


We thank you all for participating and hope to see you next year for the weekly OPCs.


Final thought is we do have opportunities for volunteers to get everyone off the first tee.  Thanks to this year’s volunteers.





Your OPC Committee

Ron Black, John Henninger, Larry Walker

2025 Dues and Fees – Update




This is an update to the 5 Nov email sent about the upcoming 2025 dues and fees.


The annual dues will be increased from $75 to $80.  The additional $5 per member increase is to cover the Golf Genius software per our agreement with the EGC.




Annual Dues:  $80


Optional Fees:

Match Play:  $10

Ike Cup:  $5

Blue Ringers:  $5

Silver Ringers:  $5

Open Play Competition (OPC):  Pay as you play cost ($5 to $6)


If you are planning on doing it all, it will cost $105.00.  Again, please send your check to our treasurer:


John Hayes

5190 Farmingdale Drive

Colorado Springs, CO  80917




Larry Walker, President EMGA

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