Breakfast Change


We have lost the Blue and Silver dining rooms for our Breakfast this Thursday morning, September 26th, to the Corona prep team.  Breakfast and our EMGA meeting will most probably be in the Grille area but could move up to the Pavilion so thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility.

Since there are not going to be enough table and chairs in either location, we switched the menu from the normal sit-down buffet of scrambles, bacon, sausage, etc to food we can eat standing up – breakfast burritos and mini pastries finger foods. 

Also, since the Club will be making one burrito per person, if you are not on the list below and still want to eat breakfast, we are sorry but it is too late to sign up.  You are though welcome to stick around in case there are any extras. 

This also means we will be checking members in for breakfast to ensure there is enough food for everyone who has signed up.  THIS IS IN ADDITION TO THE MANDATORY CHECK-IN REQUIRED FOR THE MEMBER-MEMBER TOURNAMENT AND SKINS.

Thank again for your understanding

Don Knight

EMGA Vice President


  Ah Yo, Phillie     Hatler, Gaylord     Palafox, Keith
  Anderson, Kent     Hayes, John     Patterson, Barry
  Arkfeld, Larry     Herford, Dan     Paul, John
  Barnes, Russell     Hurley, Mark     Pearson, Ken
  Becker, Don     Jones, Dennis     Peltzer, Michael
  Black, Ron     Knaub, Mike     Peters, Will
  Bunker, Marty     Knight, Don     Rehorst, Thomas
  Butcher, Danny     Lapp, Terry     Rhoden, Rick
  Carleton, Roger     Laurie, Bob     Rines, Roger
  Cassat, Don     Lee, Eddie     Rogers, Michael
  Castilla, Dave     Littleton, Jay     Sanders, Phil
  Chambers, John     Logemann, Dean     Schilling, Ron
  Church, Martin     Luchte, Mark     Silva, Willie
  Congleton, Duane     MacElhaney, Mace     Sims, Marc
  Cook, Stanley     Macias, Armando     Sosalla, Phil
  Couch, Charles     Marburger, Tim     Sova, John
  Crimmel, Bill     Martinez, Pedro     Staten, Joe
  Daines, Alan     Mayfi eld, Randy     Stecklein, Ronald
  Dalzell, Mark     McKernan, Tom     Sumner, Clare
  Darling, Trent     Mero, Ken     Swedenburg, Bob
  Dropp, Thomas     Mondragon, Alex     Szostak, John
  Duhs, Tom     Nici, Rosario     Thornson, Ben
  Fulkerson, Don     O’Brien, Tom     Tiatia, John
  Gess, Steven     Olson, Lyle     Tobin, Frank
  Gondeck, Todd     Olson, Rolland     Trivette, Michael
  Gorder, Hal     Oros, Abe     Walker, Larry
  Griesser, Tom     Orr, Kelly     Wenger, John
        Overmyer, Larry     West, John
              White, Bruce
              Winter, David